Thursday, August 8, 2013

B.E.T Is Getting Sued..

B Scott, who is openly gay and transgender, is suing BET for $2.5 million after they wrongfully discriminated him. The network made Scott pull his hair back into a ponytail and change into men's clothing before allowing him to be on air for the BET Awards. Scott did as told and changed his clothing but was already replaced by Adrienne Bailon. After a few phone calls Scott was put back on and able to complete his job. Scott has recently shared an open letter on his site letting everyone know exactly what happened that day.

"It’s not just about the fact that BET forced me to pull my hair back, asked me to take off my makeup, made me change my clothes and prevented me from wearing a heel. It’s more so that from the mentality and environment created by BET made me feel less than and that something was wrong with who I am as a person". Scott expressed in his letter.

Before                             After

I really feel bad that BET did that to him. That wasn't right of them to try and change him and make him feel any less of a person!

To visit Scott's site and view the open letter and court documents click here.

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