Saturday, July 20, 2013

Paula Deen Fans Fighting Back With Butter?

Fans of Paula Deen have come together to campaign against the stores that dropped her after her use of the N-word became public. For this campaign, which is called "Butter for Paula", fans are encouraged to send wrappers from a stick of butter to the stores along with a message expressing their support for Deen. Apparently Deen launched her own line of butter before all the drama so I guess that explains them sending butter wrappers and not other things related to cooking. But stores let's not get mad at Paula when the butter wrappers start arriving, blame John Schmitt, a Paula Deen fan and hotel auditor in Indianapolis, for this buttery movement. He created a Facebook page entitled "We Support Paula Deen" which now has over  600,000 likes; That's a lot of butter!

"A corporation without Paula Deen is like a butter wrapper without butter," is the slogan for this campaign. Aw.. what a way to butter somebody up!

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