Saturday, July 20, 2013

Paparazzi Pressing Charges? Oh Yeezus!!

A cameraman (paparazzi) was taken to the hospital after Kanye West attacked him, and now he's reportedly pressing charges against the rapper stating he tried to rob him for his camera. However, the cameraman did exactly what Kanye asked the paparazzi not to do (a week prior), and that was talk to him.  If you haven't seen the TMZ video of the altercation check it out..


My guess is, this all could have been avoided if the cameraman would've just kept quiet. Kanye is known for having a bad temper when it comes to the paparazzi invading his personal space so why do they keep putting theirselves in these types of situations with him I just don't understand! Just leave Kanye alone cause he clearly ain't the one to be messing with!

1 comment:

  1. I disagree... as a Professional Rap Artist, he should have enough sense to control his temper in public (or private for that matter). The Paparazzi is always on the hunt for new pictures of these guys...He should be glad somebody want to take pictures of him that keeps him in the public eye where with his profession he needs to be. In other words that keeps him relevant.
