Saturday, July 20, 2013

Dwayne Wade's Ex-Wife Homeless or Money Hungry?!?

There's been a lot of drama between NBA star Dwayne Wade and his ex-wife Siohvaughn Funches after their divorce, but now she's stirring up more drama as she sits in front of the Daley Center of Chicago holding signs claiming to be homeless! She just recently filed a lawsuit against Wade trying to get a piece of his endorsement money, but failed. Although she is the mother of their kids, she doesn't have custody of the two boys, Wade does. Oh and let's not forget Wade also shares his home with his beautiful girlfriend Gabrielle Union. Hmm jealousy? Could be. Many have been to the scene outside the Daley Center and have been sharing photos via Instagram so here they are..

Now I'm not saying she's lying butttt..
1. Don't her clothes and shoes look a little clean/new for someone who's homeless?
2. Ladies, don't her weave look a little too good to be homeless? Look like Remy to me
3. Who is these two ladies holding her signs also looking clean/fresh? If they can help her hold signs why doesn't she have help when it comes to having a place to stay?
Yeahhh.. looks a little fishy to me and clearly to Wade as well who posted this pic via Instagram..

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