Wednesday, March 5, 2014

A Date Has Been Set For Kimye's Wedding!

According to US Weekly, Kim Kardashian and Kanye West will say "I Do" on Saturday, May 24th in Paris!
Even though many are predicting a big extravagant wedding, sources are saying "It won't be a huge wedding" and they're expecting "around 150 people" to attend. 
Some reports are stating the couple picked this date because it's when astronomers are predicting a comet will burst through Earth's atmosphere and create a brilliant meteor shower, lighting up the sky. Not sure how true that is though.

Many have also been reporting that this special moment will be televised, no word on whether that's 100% true, but I'm hoping it is because I would love to see how it's going to turn out, and plus who wouldn't want to see baby North who's going to have a special role in the ceremony?

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